Post-operative recovery period refers to the phase between the end of the surgical procedure and restoring your normal activities. During this period, tissues heal from the surgical trauma and the normal physical strength will be regained gradually.
Post-operative Recovery
- You will wake up in the recovery room with a number of monitors to record your vitals. (blood pressure, pulse, oxygen saturation, temperature, etc.). You will have a dressing on your hip and drains coming out of your wound.
- Post-operative X-rays will be performed in recovery.
- Once you are stable and comfortable you will be taken back to the ward.
- You will have one or two intravenous lines in your arm for fluid and pain relief. This will be explained to you by your anaesthetist.
- On the day following surgery, your drains will usually be removed and you will be allowed to get out of bed or walk depending on your surgeons preference. Pain is normal but if you are in a lot of pain, inform your nurse.
- You will be able to put all your weight on your hip and your physiotherapist will help you with the post-op hip exercises.
- You will be discharged to go home or a rehabilitation hospital after 1-2 nights depending on your pain and help at home.
- Sutures or staples are removed at about 10 days.
- A post-operative visit will be arranged prior to your discharge.
- You will be advised about how to walk with a walker for one to two weeks following surgery and then using walking aids for another four to six weeks as needed.
Special Precautions
Remember this is an artificial hip and must be treated with care.
Avoid the combined movement of bending your hip and turning your foot in. This can cause dislocation. Other precautions to avoid dislocation are:
- You should sleep with a pillow between your legs for 6 weeks. Avoid crossing your legs and bending your hip past a right angle
- Avoid low chairs
- Avoid bending over to pick things up. Grabbers are helpful as are shoe horns or slip on shoes
- Elevated toilet seats are helpful
- You can shower once the wound has healed
- You can apply Vitamin E or moisturizing cream into the wound once the wound has healed
- If you have increasing redness or swelling in the wound or temperatures over 38 degree celcius you should call your doctor
- If you are having any procedures such as dental work or any other surgery you should take antibiotics before and after to prevent infection in your new prosthesis. Consult your surgeon for details.